Founded in 1919, and originally located in the central yacht basin, the St. Petersburg Junior Yacht Club moved to Demens Landing (formerly called the "South Mole") in the 1940's where it remained until the property was sold to the City by the railroad in the mid-1970's. After the purchase of Demens Landing was completed, the City of St. Petersburg built a brand-new Sailing Center and entered into a 5-year agreement with the St. Petersburg Yacht Club to operate the new facility and sailing programs. Since then, the agreement has continued and the Sailing Center has remained an integral part of downtown’s vibrant waterfront, providing low-cost access to sailboat rentals, youth sailing programs, and a first-class facility to host regattas, classes, and other educational programs.
Because of the facility’s location on the waterfront, we are currently limited to a maximum 5-year term on the lease, per the City Charter. As you can imagine, being limited to such a short lease term discourages investment in facility upgrades/improvements and stifles the planned growth of our existing educational programs.
In August, St. Petersburg City Council voted unanimously to approve a ballot referendum item giving the voters the opportunity to extend the Sailing Center lease from our current 5-years, to 20-years.
This is an excellent opportunity to ensure the Sailing Center facility and programs are protected for decades to come, so if you are a St. Pete resident and are registered to vote, please remember to vote “YES!!!"